The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation and telecommunications. It also applies to the United States Congress.

ADA Title I: Employment

ADA Title II: State and Local Government Activities

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794d) requires federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. The act was amended in 1998 as part of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.

The U.S. Department of Justice has issued revised ADA Title II and Title III regulations, which took effect March 15, 2011. A number of topics are addressed; those affecting information technology include:

  • Effective Communication
    • Providing Auxiliary Aids and Services(To be effective, auxiliary aids and services must be provided in accessible formats, in a timely manner and in such a way as to protect the privacy and independence of the individual with a disability).
    • Sign Language Interpreters
    • Telecommunications
  • Examinations and Courses



This section represents a listing of settlements and topics related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility and the law.

Blind voters sue over access to absentee ballots in Ohio

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with EdX Inc.

About the ICT Refresh


Agencies and Organizations

Disabled Student Services in Higher Education - DSSHE-L

The purpose of the list is to facilitate the sharing of information among providers of services for students with disabilities in higher education. Issues discussed include: service delivery models, legal issues pertaining to the American's with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, publications of interest, assistive technology, counseling and career issues for students with disabilities, removing architectural and attitudinal barriers, grants and other funding sources, athletics/physical education, testing and other academic accommodations, disability awareness programming, available resources, student development theory, and other issues that relate to students with disabilities and to higher education service providers.

The DAISY Consortium

The DAISY Consortium is a global consortium of organizations committed to a common vision and mission, which pools and coordinates resources to deliver global change. We work towards creating the best way to read and publish. Join the DAISY Consortium today!  

Assistive Technology Industry Association - ATiA

The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) is a not-for-profit membership organization of manufacturers, sellers and providers of technology-based assistive devices and/or services. The mission of ATIA is to serve as the collective voice of the assistive technology industry association so that the best products and services are delivered to people with disabilities.

International Association of Accessibility Professionals - IAAP

The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is a membership-based organization for individuals and organizations that are focused on accessibility or are in the process of building their accessibility skills and strategies. The objective of this association is to help accessibility professionals develop and advance their careers and to help organizations integrate accessibility into their products and infrastructure. The IAAP will provide a place for accessibility professionals around the world to gather, share experiences and enrich their knowledge of accessibility.




State Resources

A number of states have passed laws requiring state agencies to provide accessible materials and technologies to their constituents. Several states have developed websites with many helpful guides and resources.

Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act (IITAA)

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